Thursday, November 30, 2017

Entry #8 (Eng 102) - I'm Not As Think As You Sick I Am!

I'm staring at you blankly because my brain is drowning in snot...

Or: Sharing is Caring...

At least "Sharing is Caring" is the hubster's excuse for getting me sick!  Not cool, not cool at all.  I am displeased.  *blows nose for 10 minutes*  Ugh.

The vacant stare, mouth slightly open in an effort to continue breathing, watery eyes, slow responses... these are familiar symptoms.  I imagine they're states of being that most of us have become intimately familiar with at one time or another.  Being sick sucks and let's face it, everyone has been sick at one point or another.  I much preferred being sick as a kid.  Why?  You got to stay home from school and vegetate on the couch watching TV all day while being generally pathetic and whiny.  As an adult?  It doesn't quite work that way.  It goes something a little more like...
In all honesty I wish that I could say I didn't do this.  ...but I do.  Not more than 15 minutes ago I was sitting on my couch looking up memes for this post and had a tissue stuffed up my left nostril.  Why?  Because the damn thing is allowing no air movement yet still continues to somehow drip like that leaky faucet in the staff bathroom that no one bothers to fix. 
Movies lie!  They lie!  Evil little liars.  They do it all wrong.  People have colds in a movie and they look like they just got airbrushed by a professional makeup artist.  There's no pathetic-ness, no red, raw nose, no mouth-breathing!  Where is the mouth-breathing?!  LIES!  LIIIIIIIIIES!  I wish I looked half that good when I'm not sick, let alone when I'm constantly sniffling and groaning and sneezing the really loud monster kind of sneezes that scare small animals and children.  Come on, admit it, I'm not the only one like this.  Please tell me I'm not alone in this.  ...please? 
This couldn't be more accurate.  I don't have time for being sick this week.  Why did it have to happen now?  I've got so much stuff to doooooo!  Doesn't it always seem like it happens that way?  You end up getting sick at the "absolute worst time."  It never fails that there's always six billion things that have to be done "right friggin now" but nooooo, now is when your body decided to crap out and get sick.  Now you have to sluggishly slog your way through things while desperately hoping that you don't end up having to re-do everything you've already done because you did it with "sick brain" intelligence. 
Does this work?  I have to practically beg to call off from work and it never fails I end up feeling so guilty about it I wish I'd just gone in anyway.  I mean, so I'm coughing up a lung in coughing fits while sitting completely still and I'd be walking around non-stop and talking to patients and family and staff for 16 hours, so it would be far worse to go in.  Still... Maybe I should try this next time.  I wonder if they'd take that as an acceptable excuse for calling off.  Does anyone else have issues like this or am I just really weird for feeling guilty for being sick and needing to stay home from work? 
Just when you think you're going to have a wonderful, peaceful, amazing moment of breathing through BOTH nostrils.... NOPE!  Just kidding!  Total psych!  And the worst part?  As your sinuses are shifting like crazy, it makes the inside of your skull itch and throb with shifting pressure.  And then the sneezing commences!  Down with the sneezing!  Oh, and the watering eyes as it feels like your sinus cavities are being crawled around on by tiny moving bugs that refuse to stop.  Yuuuuup, it's fun.  Gotta love it.  So what stories might any of you guys have about being sick?  Is it anything like I've described?  Better, worse?  What kind of differences does it seem like there are between being sick as a kid to as an adult?  Let me know in the comments!


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Welcome to the world of blogging... So here you are at the start of your English class thinking how you totally have this nailed already...