Sunday, September 17, 2017

Entry #6 - I Totally Did My Homework!

You can't prove a thing...

Okay maybe you can prove that I haven't done my homework when I get a zero for it.  *shifty eyes*  I have little in the way of an excuse except:

You see, it's a completely legitimate argument.  I had planned out my evening and what I needed to have done, I had a good flow going, and then I went to look up a YouTube channel to link a video for a previous blog post.  And that's where it all went WRONG!  Oh so terribly, horribly, amusingly, and entertainingly wrong!  Before I even realized it, hours had gone by and I still hadn't finished the original blog post I went looking for the video for.  I must now hang my head in shame.  For shame.

So while this is a funny situation, how many of you have been in a similar kind of situation?  I was talking with the Hubster about this situation and he recalled more than a few times he'd found himself in a similar situation.  It's something so silly, getting distracted by YouTube videos to the point that you forget what you were working on in the first place.  Yet it happens a lot.  And not just to Hubster and me.  I asked a bunch of my friends that are in a group skype chat with me (hey ya'll!) if they had ever run into this sort of situation themselves.  A good number of them affirmed that they were just as guilty as me.  While not being alone in this fact is somewhat comforting, it's still a bit worrying that it's such a common phenomenon. it still considered a phenomenon if it's common?  Is that an oxymoron?  *hand waves*  Let's not get distracted again!

Even memes are distracting!  And, let's face it, it's well established that I do love writing with a lot of memes sprinkled throughout.  Do you have any idea how many hours I spent looking for memes?  I bookmark ones that I find particularly amusing to figure out how to use them later.  I need to join memes anonymous or something.  But they're just so FUN!  They're almost as bad as YouTube videos.  In fact I may have clogged up my browser with an insane amount of meme tabs and YouTube tabs and it's some kind of epic battle to see which gets to claim my attention.  The lure is there.  I can practically hear the YouTube videos calling to me.  They sing the song of my people - the procrastinators.

I work better under pressure.  Raise your hand if you believe that.  Oh wait, I can't see that, never mind!  Just testing you!  Congratulations, you passed!  *coughs*  Right then.  Moving on.  This is seriously a 'thing', though.  Hours are 'spent' (read: wasted) skimming the internet for really no purpose whatsoever.  We get sucked into endless YouTube videos, screen after endless rolling screen of meme images, and Facebook wall doom.  It isn't as though it's boring, if it were we wouldn't really be doing it now would we?  In fact there's a lot of entertaining content to be found in random scrolling, it's what keeps us scrolling for the next interesting tidbit.  However, am I the only one who's a little worried about how easy it is to lose HOURS of time to random internet surfing?

   See, I'd like to consider this more in depth, but the problem I'm running into is the more I try to look into it - the more time I keep losing!  I just lost 20 minutes finding the above meme, giggling for a good three minutes, and then fighting with Blogger to get it uploaded!  Complaining about lost time using memes about lost time should not be this difficult.  Or result in more lost time!  I think maybe I should stop while I'm ahead, or before the time warp gnomes find me and suck my brain out or something equally concerning.  So, before I get utterly lost in the YouTube or memes world once more, please, post in the comments and let me know if you've experienced this sort of situation before as well!  I'm honestly curious to see how many of us are out there, losing time together.  


  1. All I can say is I am SO glad none of this stuff was available when I was in school or when you and your brothers were in school! The procrastination gene was prevalent from both donors to your DNA. Sorry!

  2. Your blogs are great, I like the content and the way you post pictures to go along with what you write. On a side note I can definitely understand how procrastination sneaks up on you. Youtube especially takes your focus and leaves you asking how?

  3. Your blogs are great, I like the content and the way you post pictures to go along with what you write. On a side note I can definitely understand how procrastination sneaks up on you. Youtube especially takes your focus and leaves you asking how?

  4. Lisa--Great new entries. Interesting points and ideas. Thoughtful development and analysis. Connected and engaging visual support. Keep up the excellent dig into significance.


Entry #11 (Eng 102) - Let the Lesson Continue!

Welcome to the world of blogging... So here you are at the start of your English class thinking how you totally have this nailed already...