Thursday, October 5, 2017

Entry #10 - I'm Crazy, You're Crazy, We're All Crazy!

Admit it, it's more fun anyway...

It took a long time to admit this.  Seriously.  I've been weird my whole life but actually being comfortable with it?  That took awhile.  Really about the point I hit my 30s I suddenly realized "Hey, I don't give a crap if I'm weird.  I'm happy.  So if anyone has a problem with it, well that's on them. Lalala!" Okay so maybe I didn't really think 'lalala' to myself, but it was fairly close.  Either way, it was a very liberating thought to have and the realization has made my enjoyment of my weirdness all the better.  Sure some people might call it quirky, strange, ...possibly psychotic, but really they just need more imagination. 

Answer to the first one?  Weird senses weird.  Answer to the second?  BOTH!  The best kind of friends are the ones that get your own kind of weird, seriously.  And even if they don't necessarily get your kind of weird, they still accept you (and your weird)!  It might seem like a small thing, honestly, but it's huge.  For me, I don't have a huge number of friends.  I've always been the kind of person that prefers quality over quantity so I don't have a lot of friends but the ones I do I am very close to.  Of course, that means that those few close friends I do have tend to be those who 'get' me.  It makes things very interesting to say the least. 
Truer words were never spoken.   The best part about the friends I have is even if their crazy-weird isn't the same as my crazy-weird, it's alright.  It never seems to fail that my friends end up making me laugh till I'm wheezing, red-faced, and with tears in my eyes and I greatly love when I have the chance to catch them off-guard with some wit-tastic (no that isn't a real word) comment that makes them stop and stare at me before they end up laughing.  The best kind of friends are the ones who, even if they don't necessarily get what you're doing or saying, still just go along with it and accept you for who you are - weirdness and all. 

Liberating.  That's what this is.  Very liberating.  One of the best compliments I've gotten from a friend was "Oh my god you're so weird... I love it."  When I carpool with one of my close friends (and co-worker) on the weekend, it never fails to amuse me that one of us (if not both) will likely end up burping or making other such bodily noises.  It takes a level of comfort to be willing to do something like that around your friends and only the closest ones would I ever consider it with.  But the best part?  I swear my female friends are just like my guy friends - we always end up rating the other.  Early morning belch at 5:30AM going 80mph down I-10?  "Eh, that's a 4.5, maybe a 5 if I'm being generous."  It never fails to end up making both of us laugh which, when you're staring down a 20 hour day (16 of which is on the clock) you take the humor where you can find it.  A looooooong while back in my first official blog post I included one about nurses having a twisted sense of humor?  This qualifies as an explanation for that.  Bodily functions stop being gross when you have to discuss them all the time.  All. The. Time.
Make that second one about work instead of school and it officially sums up the conversations I've had with my friend when she (or I) calls off from work.  It never fails that whichever of us isn't there ends up texting the other to ask how the day is going.  To which we must accept that the one AT work then has free rights to bitch virtually non-stop about the horrors of the day and blame the other one for all their daily woes.  That is the official price of calling off from work and leaving your friend who is also your co-worker hanging.  No matter how much we might understand why the other called off, it's just friend-etiquette to hold out that life-line to allow the other that's stuck, alone, at work to let them vent with however many obscenity-laced texts it takes for them to feel better.  It's an unwritten rule in the friend-code. 

So ultimately, the important things to remember here are that it's perfectly alright to be weird, find people who understand or at least accept your weird, and just remember weirdness is often just alternate forms of creativity.  Embrace your weird.  Accept your crazy.  Grab the strangeness by the horns and give it Eskimo kisses if that's what you feel like doing.  Just because you don't fit neatly into a cookie-cutter mold doesn't mean you're wrong, it just means you broke the mold and you are your own person.  Own that shit! 
And because I have my own shenanigans to participate in!  *prances off!*



  1. I love how honest you are on here haha wierd is okay!!!!

  2. Seriously I'm the same way especially with people closest to me lol People still love us in the end haha

  3. OKAY... i can relate so much to this because I feel like sometimes Im extraordinary and it takes a lot of time to actually get to know my absolute true self. I am glad I have friends who are on my level but not every body is.But girl I feel you

  4. Lisa--Very good new entries. Honest, powerful, authentic and very swell supported. It is a pleasure reading your blog.


Entry #11 (Eng 102) - Let the Lesson Continue!

Welcome to the world of blogging... So here you are at the start of your English class thinking how you totally have this nailed already...