Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Entry 0.5 (Eng 102) - A New Introduction to the Insanity!

*cackles manically...*

That should be enough of a lead in, right?  Surely it sets the tone for things.  Maybe.  Possibly.  Lord I hope so.  *shifty eyes*  

 Well if the first part wasn't a tip off, this meme surely must convey things far more clearly.  I'm not normal.  But I think that's half the fun!  So for further explanation of myself - my name is Lisa Evans.  I've been a nurse for the last six years (expect a handful of nursing memes at some point or another or at least references to quite a few aspects of nursing).  I've also been married for ten years to a wonderful man who I will also likely reference on various posts through this project.  He is generally referred to as "hubby" or "hubster".  That is his name now for all intents and purposes.  It just is.  He knows it.  We've been together for 12 years, at this point he knows full well what to expect from me.  

It does sort of feel as though my introduction thus far is more of a warning for future insanity but I am hopeful that more of you will simply find it sarcastic and amusing - that's my goal at least!  If any of you happen to scroll back through some of my entries from my previous blog project, I'm fairly certain it will be hard to miss that I use memes... often.  They're sort of my thing.  So is being weirdly amusing and tending to say it like it is.  I mean, if I'm writing a blog I might as well put what I really think, right? 

I hope that the rest of you can have as much enjoyment doing your blogs as I have thus far.  It's an amazing creative process.  It's a bit difficult for me to say what my purpose is per se with this blog, but really I tend to use it to really have a sounding board for my opinions and thoughts on different topics.  And, of course, I like the opportunity to infuse sometimes serious discussions with humor because I believe humor can keep people from becoming too serious to the point that they lose sight of their focus.  That's why I think memes are so amazing, there are so many of them that can be found that fit to all kinds of topics, they can really help to enhance what I'm trying to say while injecting humor and still keeping the topic on point.  So with that said...
This is your only warning.  Be prepared.  ...I almost said "winter is coming" but then I remembered that's kind of the wrong topic.  >.>  Anyway, it's my hope that we'll get to enjoy this crazy, bumpy, exciting ride through blogging together and maybe learn new viewpoints and gain insights into one another.  It's exciting to see what others come up with for topics, to see the different opinions and thought processes and get to share my own with others.  I look forward to this so much and I'll do my level best to make this blog project enjoyable reading for the rest of you as well.  And, as those of you reading this may discover, I never leave off a blog entry without a farewell meme.  See ya'll next time!  Enjoy!


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